Glendale Workplace Discrimination Lawyer

Glendale Workplace Discrimination Lawyer

Workplace Discrimination & Harassment Attorney in Glendale, CA

Best Glendale Discrimination and Harassment Lawyer

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Every American has the right to work in a workplace free of harassment and discrimination. But unfortunately, not every employer or co-worker respects every employee’s rights, and many of these employees sustain significant emotional distress from their experiences at work as well as economic damages. If you believe you have experienced this at work, you may need the assistance of a Glendale workplace discrimination and harassment lawyer.

Our legal team at MM Law has extensive experience representing Glendale, CA, clients in employment discrimination and harassment cases. We take a client-focused approach to these cases, learning as much as possible about a client’s experiences to ensure the client’s unique needs are addressed in their case. If you believe you have grounds for a claim regarding mistreatment in your workplace and an employer’s illegal practices, MM Law can assist you with your claim.

Why Do I Need a Glendale Workplace Discrimination and Harassment Lawyer Lawyer?

You might assume that your recent experiences are straightforward enough that you can manage your employment dispute on your own, but many people in this situation quickly discover that this is not the case.

A workplace harassment or employment discrimination lawsuit is far more complex than you may realize, and attempting to navigate the situation without legal counsel is likely to be far more complex than you initially expected.

The right Glendale employment attorney on your side is likely to make a tremendous impact on the outcome of your case. Ultimately, every employment dispute regarding harassment or discrimination will involve complex legal statutes, and some of these cases may ultimately boil down to one party’s word against another’s. Legal counsel you can trust is invaluable in these situations.

Workplace Harassment in Glendale, CA

“Harassment” is a relatively broad term. When used regarding employment disputes, harassment can refer to any behavior that makes a work environment hostile to an employee or prevents them from performing their job duties. The harassment must be focused on the employee’s protected qualities, such as their race, religion, age, or sex. Harassment can involve anything from excessive ridicule to overt verbal abuse.

Workplace Discrimination

Discrimination occurs when an employer makes hiring, firing, or other job-related decisions based on an employee’s protected characteristics. For example, if an employer needs to eliminate a position and has the choice of firing one of two employees, they cannot base this decision on either employee’s protected characteristics, such as their respective races, religions, or other protected qualities.

Discrimination claims filed in Glendale, CA, also pertain to the hiring process. If you believe a prospective employer denied your application on a discriminatory basis, proving this may be difficult, but it is not necessarily impossible with the right Glendale Discrimination and Harassment Lawyer on your side.

Similarly, if you believe you were fired for a discriminatory reason, it may seem like California’s at-will employment law provides your employer with the legal shield they need to mask their true intentions. But, again, the right attorney can help you prove the truth of the situation and hold the employer appropriately accountable.

What Are Some Common Forms of Workplace Discrimination?

There are many different ways in which discrimination can manifest itself throughout an organization. Some of the most common include:

Racial Discrimination: Racial discrimination includes derogatory comments, unequal pay, or even denying someone an opportunity to advance within the company based on an individual’s race or ethnic background.

Gender Discrimination: Any evidence that someone has been treated differently due to their gender can constitute discrimination. One of the most common examples of this in the workplace is the pay gap between men and women.

Age Discrimination: Older employees can sometimes find themselves the victim of discrimination at work. For example, a supervisor might pass on promoting an older employee because they are close to retirement, even though they may be the most qualified for the position.

Disability Discrimination: A common example of disability discrimination occurs when a facility does not accommodate special needs. This can include anything from entrances that are not handicap accessible to certain workplace events or tasks that only able-bodied individuals can participate in.

Aside from these, there are other protected characteristics at work that could trigger a discrimination case, including sexual orientation, pregnancy, and religious beliefs. An employment attorney should be contacted immediately if anyone feels that their rights are being violated while at work.

FAQs on Navigating Your Claim With Confidence

Every employee in every industry in California has several rights, and employers must uphold these rights in all interactions with their employees. While some employers may attempt to disguise harassing behavior and discriminatory actions with various excuses, seasoned Glendale employment attorneys can see through these flimsy justifications and help their clients secure accountability for their adverse experiences.

Q: What Is Disability Discrimination at Work?

A: Disability discrimination in the workplace can take on many forms. This could be something like refusing to provide a wheelchair-accessible ramp, harassment over a disability, or even wrongful termination.

For example, an employee with mobility issue requires an extra amount of time to move around between workspaces. The employer chooses to terminate them, citing lateness despite a known mobility issue. This is wrongful termination. Workers have civil rights, and whether it’s wrongful termination, workplace discrimination, or harassment, they deserve to have those rights protected.

Q: Is it Hard to Prove Discrimination at Work?

A: Generally speaking, yes, it can be difficult to prove discrimination at work. This is for a number of reasons. When harassment or discrimination occurs, from an outside perspective, it can be hard to determine whether something negative objectively occurred or if it is simply a matter of hurt feelings. When building your case, it’s crucial to attempt to be as objective as possible, even if your employer hurt you deeply.

Success with any workplace harassment or employee discrimination claim often hinges on clear evidence that shows the truth of the matter in question. For example, if you believe your employer fired you for a discriminatory reason but they try to use California’s at-will employment law as justification, your Glendale Discrimination and Harassment Lawyer may help you secure evidence and testimony from your co-workers who may have overheard your employer state their true intentions behind your firing.

Ultimately, there are typically several possible ways to approach a problematic employment dispute, and the right attorney handling your case is likely to make a tremendous difference in the outcome.

Q: What Are Some Ways to Prove Workplace Discrimination and Harassment?

A: While there are many ways to prove workplace discrimination and harassment, one of the most important ways is to gather direct evidence whenever possible. This includes things like emails, meetings, direct conversations, and testimonies and evidence from your co-workers. It’s crucial to prove your case with as much direct evidence as possible, as it is what is responsible for proving absolute facts rather than just assumptions alone.

Another way to prove workplace discrimination and harassment is to be sure to review outside factors using what is referred to as circumstantial evidence. Unlike direct evidence, circumstantial evidence does not necessarily prove hard facts, but it does provide more context to the direct evidence and is useful for building your case.

For example, a woman you work with is the highest performing person on her team, which can be proven using your company spreadsheets. This is direct evidence. When she applies for a promotion, she is denied for a man who is performing far worse than her and is generally unfit for the position. It can be inferred that perhaps she did not receive the position because she is a woman. This is circumstantial evidence.

Q: How Do I File a Workplace Discrimination And/Or Harassment Claim in California?

A: If you want to file a workplace discrimination claim against your employer, you first have to submit an official complaint with one of the state’s labor and employment agencies, such as the Department of Fair Employment and Housing (DFEH) or the California Civil Rights Department (CRD). You can also file a claim through your employer’s Human Resources department if available.

After the complaint is filed, the party responsible for the complaint will conduct an investigation if you are proven to be a protected class of worker. Following the investigation, if it is proven that workplace discrimination and/or harassment occurred, then a claim can be filed.

However, typically, the agency or Human Resources department will attempt to resolve the issue through mediation outside of court with an employment attorney. If, after mediation, a settlement has not been reached, then the claim can be taken to court.

Q: How Much Money Is an Employment Discrimination Case Worth?

A: The final cost of an employment discrimination case is determined by several different factors that are unique to each case. For example, the severity of the discrimination and how much damage was inflicted on an employee’s career can impact a case. A compensation package can reimburse an employee for parts of their salary that were lost, as well as compensate them for emotional distress or mental health services needed for recovery.

Q: How Do I Sue a Company for Discrimination in California?

A: To file a claim against a company for discrimination, you must file a complaint to either the California Department of Fair Employment and Housing or the federal Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. Either of these agencies can issue an official “right-to-sue” notice, which gives you the authority to officially file a lawsuit in court with an employment lawyer. Whether or not you’re filing a claim against your employer will also impact your case.

Q: How Should You Deal With Discrimination in the Workplace?

A: If you’re being discriminated against, you should begin documenting the details of your situation as soon as possible. Write down the date, time, and what you observed in great detail. If there were any other witnesses, write down their names and what they saw. Their testimony may be required as additional evidence if an investigation occurs. It’s essential that you provide this information to your Glendale workplace discrimination attorney as soon as you can.

Q: What Are the Consequences of Discrimination in the Workplace?

A: Many employees who have been discriminated against in the past report experiencing major job dissatisfaction along with decreased productivity and intense feelings of stress and anxiety. From a company’s perspective, reported acts of discrimination could lead to legal action, a damaged reputation, and even decreased employee morale, depending on how severe discrimination is within the company’s culture.

When Should I Contact a Glendale Workplace Discrimination and Harassment Lawyer?

Securing legal counsel as swiftly as possible after experiencing harassment or discrimination in your workplace offers the best chance of recovery. The sooner you find a Glendale employment attorney to represent you, the sooner you can begin gathering evidence and building your case.

Our team has extensive experience representing Glendale, CA, clients in a wide range of employment cases. If you have been victimized by workplace discrimination or harassment, our legal team can help you secure compensation for your damages, including lost pay and benefits, denied advancement within your organization, reinstatement to your wrongfully terminated position, and compensation for the emotional distress you experienced.

If you are ready to explore your options for legal recourse for workplace harassment or discrimination from an employer, MM Law is ready to assist you. Contact us today to schedule your consultation with a Glendale workplace discrimination and harassment attorney you can trust.


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